Christ is All I Need

Today, I got into a lengthy discussion with someone who has been struggling over Christianity for a some time. At one point, she said to me, "My heart is screaming so loud, I can't hear the thoughts in my head, and my thoughts are screaming so loud, my heart can't hear what it is saying." In other words, she felt torn between what her heart knows is right and what logic is telling her about what she sees around her in professing Christians. What she was seeing is the inconsistency of believers. These people, she said, try to look like Christians, but they are arrogant and self-centered. Their lives do not match up with what her heart tells her is a true Christian.

I can completely agree with her. What is often peddled as Christianity, especially in the part of the country where I live, is nothing more than haughtiness with a nice dress or suit on. These people (and sadly, I am guilty of what I am speaking) prance around in their perfect dress and hair spouting Bible verses and going to church twice a week with little or no regard for anyone but themselves. Their chief end in life is not to glorify God, but to protect their image. They look nice on the outside, but they won't lift a finger to help a poor soul on the street. They shun any believer who hasn't achieved the level of perfection that they have. They are unwilling to admit the slightest fault in their own character. It's no wonder my friend is turned off by Christianity. It's not what she sees of Christ in the Scripture.

Our talk continued and seemed to get absolutely no where until I found myself saying to her, Would Jesus act like those people? No, He was God, and yet He got down on His hands and knees and washed the disciples feet. Do you admire that? Do you want to be like Him? "Yes," she said, "I want to be like that." Then I told her that she need look no further for true Christianity. For true Christians are "little Christs". They follow Him with all their heart. They long to be like Him, for He is our example. He was not proud or arrogant. He is God. He was glorified in Heaven, and yet, He stooped to the lowliest position to serve others. If that is what you want to be, then put your faith in Him. Her face lit up. The confusion left.

Christ is all that we need, too. When things become muddled, and we don't know what to believe or where to turn, we need only look to Him. The little chorus we used to sing when I was a teenager comes to mind:

Christ is all I need, Christ is all I need
All, all, I need
He was crucified, for me He died on Calvary
And He loves me so, that is why I know
Christ is all I need.


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