Joy in Serving Jesus
Joy is listed as a fruit of the Spirit of God. Joy does not depend our our circumstances, but rises above them. We find joy in knowing God; we find joy in serving our brothers and sisters in Christ; we find joy in the hope that one day we will be with Christ.
As I have thought about joy all day today, I thought about how joy comes when we are selflessly loving and serving one another. Remember the old hymn by Oswald Chambers, "There is joy in serving Jesus?" Sing-songy as it is, I find truth in the words. Chambers talks about joy in darkest night and drawing on the power of Christ moment by moment.
Why is there joy in serving Jesus anyway? Joy, a gift that comes from Christ, comes when we finally learn that we can't live the Christian life, obey Christ, or serve others without the power of Christ. It also comes, when we lay down our selfishness and start serving our brothers and sisters in Christ, as Jesus Himself would have done. Jesus, our example, was constantly putting others and their needs above His own. He drew His power and strength from God as He poured out His time and energy for those around Him. Down to His last breath, He was pouring Himself out for others. His prize was His Bride, the Church, and His Church brings Him joy.
We too share in that joy when we look past the pain and exhaustion of service, and draw on the strength and power that is found in Christ.
There is joy in serving Jesus,
As I journey on my way,
Joy that fills the heart with praises,
Ev'ry hour and ev'ry day.
There is joy, joy, Joy in serving Jesus,
Joy that throbs within my heart;
Ev'ry moment, ev'ry hour,
As I draw upon His pow'r,
There is joy, joy, Joy that never shall depart.
Joy that triumphs over pain;
Fills my soul with heaven's music,
Till I join the glad refrain.
As I walk alone with God;
'Tis the joy of Christ, my Saviour,
Who the path of suff'ring trod.
Joy amid the darkest night,
For I've learned the wondrous secret,
And I'm walking in the light.
"...[joy] comes when we finally learn that we can't live the Christian life, obey Christ, or serve others without the power of Christ."
Oswald Smith was a Canadian pastor, missionary statesman, and gospel song writer. He wrote about 1200 songs.
More importantly, I wonder why some folks are joyless in their service for Christ. Maybe because they've forgotten the great privilege of being a servant of the King. Or because they fail to realize that their service has eternal consequences, blessings in the lives of others that we won't even know about until we go to be with Christ. ...Many reasons, I guess.