Summers Over-School Begins
It is difficult to believe that the summer is nearly over and that school will be starting soon. As I usually do, I plan way too many things for the time allotted thinking that somehow I will get it all done. Alas, when I make these crazy plans, I forget my precious children and husband need my time and attention. Even so, this was a productive summer in many ways. My "music room" turned junk room is now almost ready to be a music room again. The chicks are almost hens now, and should be laying eggs in about 8 or 9 weeks. Our visiting Beagle has found a new home. My shoulder which was causing me all sorts of problems is finally healed, and I am able to play my cello again.
Our little home school is doing well, and we have our books and supplies ready for another year. (Now someone has to burn a fire under me to get lesson plans done.) Our home school cooperative year is planned, and I am getting ready to teach 3 classes this fall.
I wanted to tile the bathroom floor, paint the kitchen and overhaul our bedroom. It didn't happen, but perhaps I can tackle one issue at a time and have it finished by next spring.
One of the things I love about the Autumn and the beginning of a new school year is that I feel as though I can put things behind me and start fresh. There are new school books (even for the teacher), new clothes, new schedules, new students and growth. The air is cool in the fall and the stars look brighter and more beautiful at night.
The end of one thing and the beginning of another reminds me that God's mercies are new every morning. Each day begins with a fresh start, a new beginning. How blessed we are!
Our little home school is doing well, and we have our books and supplies ready for another year. (Now someone has to burn a fire under me to get lesson plans done.) Our home school cooperative year is planned, and I am getting ready to teach 3 classes this fall.
I wanted to tile the bathroom floor, paint the kitchen and overhaul our bedroom. It didn't happen, but perhaps I can tackle one issue at a time and have it finished by next spring.
One of the things I love about the Autumn and the beginning of a new school year is that I feel as though I can put things behind me and start fresh. There are new school books (even for the teacher), new clothes, new schedules, new students and growth. The air is cool in the fall and the stars look brighter and more beautiful at night.
The end of one thing and the beginning of another reminds me that God's mercies are new every morning. Each day begins with a fresh start, a new beginning. How blessed we are!