A Note To My Readers

Seven years have passed since the last time I posted on this blog. In keeping with the changes in my life (and the internet), I have given my blog a new look (It's a work in progress.). You will still find the comments on home life and short reflections on the Scripture, but I hope to be adding some recipes (I've been cooking and baking like a wild woman lately.), as well as tips on personal health, home schooling and relationships. 
Scientists say our bodies are constantly changing, new cells are formed, old cells die. From day to day, our basic looks may not appear to change much, but over time, the changes become obvious. Wrinkles appear, joints ache, and old sports injuries come back to haunt us with a vengeance. Often, it is not until we pick up a picture taken years ago or take a long look in a mirror that we realize our hair has gone gray and our skin has begun to sag. What happened?  

I started Reflections of Joy when my children were still in elementary school. I was in my mid 40s. My life was stable, and my future looked promising.  Years have gone by, and though I am the same person, I am different. Experiences and normal aging have changed me. When I decided to start writing a blog again, I considered tossing this one and starting over. Yet every time I started to hit the 'delete' key, I hesitated.  Reflections of Joy  is my work over time, and though I may now write about different things and my perspective has changed some, I am me, but different. Sometimes being able to compare is a good thing. Wrinkles and sagging skin reveal where we have been and what we have learned, and so does this blog. There can be great value in that.  

Reflections of Joy, a play on words, is a record of my personal reflections on life and a constant reminder that joy can be found every moment of our lives whether we are experiencing good or bad, or whether our days are easy or difficult.   

And so, my readers, I hope you enjoy the new posts on Reflections of Joy, and do feel free to dig into the archives and glean what will be of benefit to you. Thank you for sharing this bit of life with me.  


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