This World is Not My Home

As I write this, I'm yawning. I was up until the early hours of the morning talking to my daughter about a number of issues that were bothering both of us. In the course of our conversation she said to me, "This doesn't really feel like home to me." A bit shocked and momentarily disappointed that I had failed her in some way, I asked her if I had done anything to make her feel that way. She fumbled around for words and finally came out with this, "I want to be with God." (another shock) "I don't want to kill myself or anything," she explained. (relief) "It's just that I don't think I fit in here. I think heaven is where I belong."

My daughter, at her young age, grasps the Christian life better than most of us. God's children, followers of Jesus Christ, do not belong here. Though we live here on this earth, and though we have jobs to do and responsibilities, we are only here for a short time. The Scriptures teach that our final home is with the Lord. He is preparing a place for us. That is why we don't feel completely at home where we are.

When I was in the Baptist church, we used to sing a chorus, "This world is not my home. I'm just a passing through. My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue. The angel's beckon' me from Heaven's open door, and I can't feel at home in this world anymore."


Anonymous said…
An interesting study in scripture is the use of the word 'dwell.'

As the Redeemed, we live on this earth, but we do not'dwell' here.

During the terrible events of the last half of the tribulation period the are many saved people, but the wrath of God is directed toward those that 'dwell' on the earth.

In fact, Paul writes that we should live such that the Holy Spirit can 'dwell' in us.

To dwell is to be 'at home', 'comfortable', and at ease.

We are none of those things so long as we are not with Christ.

But we will be!

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