The Heart of the Matter
A man walks down the street and sees a beggar on the side of the road and buys him a meal. Another man walks down the side of the street and sees a beggar and gives him his lunch. Who is the more righteous?
Now let me tell you some more details. A man walks down the street and sees a beggar on the side of the road. He is not a believer, but he is attracted a Christian woman whom he met at work. She won’t go out with him because he does not know the Lord. He looks up and notices the lady standing on the street corner across the road waiting for the bus. He thinks, “If she sees me help this man, she will think that I am a decent person, and she will go out with me.” Looking up, assured that the woman sees him, he steps over to the beggar, gives him a hug and offers to buy him a meal in the restaurant behind them. Another man walks down the street and sees a beggar. The man looks at the beggar and wonders when the beggar had his last meal. He thinks about how God has provided him with so much. He walks over and gives the man his lunch. Who is more righteous?
Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Do we love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength? Do I love the Lord like that?
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